public class Parser

static TextWriter output;

static Token token;         // last recognized token        // TOKEN
static Token laToken;     // lookahead token (not yet recognized)
static int la;                     // shortcut to kind attribute of lookahead token (laToken.kind)
/* Symbol table object of currently compiled method. */
internal static Symbol curMethod;

/* Special Label to represent an undefined break destination. */
static readonly Label undef;
/* Reads ahead one symbol. */
static void Scan () {
/*----- insert your code here -----*/
/* Verifies symbol and reads ahead. */
static void Check (int expected) {
/*----- insert your code here -----*/

/* Program = "class" ident { ConstDecl | VarDecl | ClassDecl } 
* "{" { MethodDecl } "}" . */
static void Program () {
/*----- insert your code here -----*/
/*===== insert parsing method here =====*/

/* ConstDecl = "const" Type ident "=" ( number | charConst ) ";" . */

/* VarDecl = Type ident { "," ident } ";" . */

/* ClassDecl = "class" ident "{" { VarDecl } "}" . */


/* Starts the analysis. 
* Output is written to System.out.
public static void Parse () { Parse(Console.Out); }

/* Starts the analysis.
* Initializes the parser and all its components.
* Output is written to TextWriter provided in output. */
public static void Parse (TextWriter output) {
Parser.output = output;

/*----- insert additional initialization code here -----*/


curMethod = null;
token = null;

laToken = new Token(1, 1); // avoid crash when 1st symbol has scanner error
Scan(); // scan first symbol        // SCANNER
Program(); // start analysis

/* Handles all compiler errors. */
public class Errors {
/* Minimal number of tokens between errors.
* Errors are only reported if error distance is greater than this. */
const int minDist = 3;

/* Current distance from last syntax error. */
public static int dist;

/* Error count. */
static int cnt;

/* Print error message to output and count reported errors. */
public static void Error (string msg) {
/*----- insert your code here -----*/

public static int Count { get { return cnt; } }

public static void Init () { cnt = 0; Reset(); }

public static void Reset () {
dist = minDist; // don't skip errors any more