public static readonly string
//----- messages for syntax errors
//----- for Scanner
BIG_NUM = "number too big for integer constant",
EMPTY_CHARCONST = "empty character constant",
INVALID_CHAR = "invalid character",
INVALID_CHARCONST = "invalid character constant",
MISS_SQUOTE = "missing ' at end of character constant",
UNDEF_ESC = "undefined ESC character sequence",
//----- for Parser
ADD_OP = "additive operator (" + Token.names[Token.PLUS] + // cannot occur
"," + Token.names[Token.MINUS] + ") expected",
CONST_DECL = Token.names[Token.NUMBER] + " or " + Token.names[Token.CHARCONST] + " expected",
DESIGN_FOLLOW = Token.names[Token.ASSIGN] + ", " + Token.names[Token.LPAR] + ", " +
Token.names[Token.PPLUS] + " or " + Token.names[Token.MMINUS] + " expected",
INVALID_STAT = "invalid start of statement: " + Token.names[Token.IDENT] + ", " +
Token.names[Token.IF] + ", " + Token.names[Token.WHILE] + ", " +
Token.names[Token.BREAK] + ", " + Token.names[Token.RETURN] + ", " +
Token.names[Token.READ] + ", " + Token.names[Token.WRITE] + ", " +
Token.names[Token.LBRACE] + " or " + Token.names[Token.SEMICOLON] + " expected",
INVALID_FACT = "invalid start of factor: " + Token.names[Token.IDENT] + ", " +
Token.names[Token.NUMBER] + ", " + Token.names[Token.CHARCONST] + ", " +
Token.names[Token.NEW] + " or " + Token.names[Token.LPAR] + " expected",
METH_DECL = Token.names[Token.IDENT] + " or " + Token.names[Token.VOID] + " expected",
MUL_OP = "multiplicative operator (" + Token.names[Token.TIMES] +
"," + Token.names[Token.SLASH] + "," + Token.names[Token.REM] + ") expected",
REL_OP = "relational operator (" + Token.names[Token.EQ] + "," + Token.names[Token.NE] +
"," + Token.names[Token.GT] + "," + Token.names[Token.GE] + "," + Token.names[Token.LT] +
"," + Token.names[Token.LE] + ") expected",
//----- messages for semantic errors
//----- for Parser
ARRAY_INDEX = "array index must be an integer",
ARRAY_SIZE = "array size must be an integer",
CONST_TYPE = "value does not match constant type",
EQ_CHECK = "only (un)equality checks are allowed for reference types",
INCOMP_TYPES = "incompatible types",
INVALID_CALL = "procedure called as a function",
INVALID_DECL = "invalid global declaration",
LESS_PARAMS = "less actual than formal parameters",
MORE_PARAMS = "more actual than formal parameters",
NO_ARRAY = " is not an array",
NO_CLASS = " is not an object",
NO_CLASS_TYPE = "class type expected",
NO_INT = "variable must be an integer",
NO_INT_OP = "operand(s) must be of type int",
NO_LOOP = "break statement outside of loop",
NO_MAIN = "Main must be a method",
NO_METH = "not a method",
NO_PARAMS = "method Main must not have parameters",
NO_RETURN = "no return from function",
NO_RETURN_EXPR = "return value expected",
NO_TYPE = "type expected",
PARAM_TYPE = "parameter type mismatch",
READ_VALUE = "can only read int or char values",
RETURN_TYPE = "type of return value must be assignable to method type",
RETURN_VOID = "void method must not return a value",
VOID_MAIN = "method Main must be void",
WRITE_VALUE = "can only write int or char values",
//----- for Tab
NARGS = "too many method arguments",
DECL_NAME = " declared twice",
NLOCALS = "too many local variables", // case covered by SymTabTest.testInsertMaxLocals, w/o error report
NO_FIELD = "no such field",
NOT_FOUND = "name not found",
NOT_IN_CLASS = "no class defined for this field",
//----- for Item
CREATE_ITEM = "cannot create code item for this kind of symbol table object",
//----- for Code
CODE_FULL = "program too large",
CODE_LOAD = "compiler error in Code.load",
INVALID_ELEM = "invalid array element type",
NO_VAR = "left-hand side of assignment must be a variable",
NO_VAR_INC = "incremented object must be a variable",
OBJ_FILE = "cannot write object file",
EXE_FILE = "cannot write PE file",
//----- for Label
LAB_DEF = "label already defined",
DEST_UNDEF = "destination undefined",
PANIC_MODE = "PANIC MODE: exit at first error";