Quelques livres intéressants :


Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching

Donald E. Knuth


Addison Wesley Professional

Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms

Donald E. Knuth


Addison Wesley Professional

Data Structures and Their Algorithms

Harry R. Lewis, Larry Denenberg

Addison Wesley Professional

Data structures using Pascal

Aaron M.Tenenbaum,

Moshe J. Augenstein

Edition Prentice Hall International Editions

File structures, a conceptual toolkit

Michael J.Folk,

Bill Zoellik

Addison Wesley Professional

Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Anany V. Levitin,


Addison Wesley Professional

Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis


Sara Baase,
Allen Van Gelder,

Addison Wesley Professional

Algorithms in C, Parts 1-5 (Bundle): Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching, and Graph Algorithms

Robert Sedgewick

Addison Wesley Professional

Computer Science: An Overview

J. Glenn Brookshear

Addison Wesley Professional

Concepts of Programming Languages,

Robert W. Sebesta,

Addison Wesley Professional

Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs

Ravi Sethi,


Addison Wesley Professional

History of Programming Languages, Volume

Thomas J. Bergin
Richard G. Gibson

Addison Wesley Professional

Programming and Problem Solving with Delphi

Mitchell C. Kerman

Addison Wesley Professional

Data structure and algorithms A. V. Aho, J.E Hopcroft, J.D Ullman Addison Wesley Professional